Ancient Tower, Winssen
On July 17th, 1935 Huub Kortekaas was born in 's-Gravenzande, the Netherlands, from a long line of market gardeners. In 1960, at the age of 25 he moves into the "Ancient Tower" in the village Winssen ( Land van Maas en Waal) to create his first sculpture 'Erasmus'. " The 'Tower' is situated at the foot of the Great Dyke separating it from the water-meadows along the river Waal. Erasmus and the symbols created there are placed along the dyke and in the water-meadows; archetypes of growth and fertility; autonomical sculptures in their most basic form. Successively there are; the Fertility Symbol (1961); Mother of the Dykes (1962); the Fertility-ring (1963); Gaya and the Phallus (1964), all of them closely related to his perception of nature in this period. After his 'rebirth' in the 'Ancient Tower' on Christmas Eve 1964, he resigns from his job as a teacher to integrate life and art.
- 1960 Erasmus, freestone, KU Nijmegen
- 1961 Fertility Symbol, granite, Emmeloord
- 1962 Mother of the Dyke, granite, Ewijk (dyke)
- 1963 Fertility Ring granite, Ewijk (meadows)
- 1964 Gaya and Phallus, plaster, 1970 in glassfiber, Tempelhof

Doddendaal Castle, Ewijk
1965 Huub moves into 'Doddendaal' castle in Ewijk and in that very year Adelheid van Swelm and Huub Kortekaas met in the water-meadows, where she lived. Adelheid van Swelm, born in 1947 in Nijmegen, studied landscape architecture and marries Huub Kortekaas in 1969. From the moment they met in 1965, they worked as autodidactic artists in a close creative collaboration 'from the Heart'. Initially Huub was the contact for the outer world, but since 1999 they have visibly operated as an artistic duo. Next to their working together, Next to their collaboration, Adelheid practises her passion for architecture and landscape architecture. In the period "Doddendaal" their daughter Femmigje (1970) and son Tjebbe (1972). were born. Until 1970 their monumental traveling playful performance; Circle of Angels, the "social colourful multiples; Engelhart chair, World Flower-table and Sit-egg were created. Nonconformist art, no threshold or pedestal, moveable colored polyester functional elements accessible to a wide audience. In September 1971 they fare aced a completely vandalized Circle of Angels. A period of silence and reflection follows.
- 1965 Heart, granite,, Beuningen
- 1966-1967 Tabernacle/Wall-hangings, Groesbeek (church)
- 1969 Euro-Buggy, glassfiber,
- 1966-1970 Envirement: Circle of Angels, glassfiber
- 1970-1973 Polyester multiples: Angelheart-chair, Worldflower-table, Egg-seat, glassfiber, worldwide
De Engelhof, Afferden (Gelderland)
In 1974, Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas move with their young family to a historical farmhouse 'Engelhof' in Afferden, Gelderland. In the silence and emptiness after their 'social' period of 'Doddendaal' castle, carefully the first bronze Seedlings, Beans, Buds, little Acres and Pots appear. They experience the recording and arranging of these first hesitating movements of budding life as rituals. These first stylized growths develop into monumental Plants in corten-steel. By getting acquainted with Oriental religions and philosophies as well as the esoteric sciences, and by recording and isolating primary growth processes, they arrive at a highly personal style. During this period also the first Potted-plants appear as thematic metaphors for the social commitment of the individual; tokens of freedom in restraint.
- 1972-1974 restauration "Engelhof"
- 1974-1975 Seedlings, Beans, Little Acres, bronzes, worldwide
- 1970-1974 Bird bronze, Druten
- 1974-1975 Plant 7.40m h., corten-steel, Lyon (Fr.)
- 1975 Potted plants 2.50m h., corten-steel, Wijchen, Eindhoven, Nijmegen
- 1976 Plant 6.70m h., corten-steel, Wageningen
- 1977 Plant 6.40m h., corten-steel, Druten
- 1974-1978 3 Buds, bronze, Zug (Switserl.), Nieuwegein
- 1977-1978 Potted plants 2.50m h., corten-steel, Priem am Chiemsee (Germany), Utrecht, Maarsenbroek

De Essenhof, Winssen
In 1978 they built and settle at 'Essenhof', back to the village of the 'Ancient Tower'. This new home and studio in Winssen directly reflects the changing perceptions; where 'Earth' and the own being are experienced as one organism. The monumental Temples, Seats and the Metaphysical Garden, from the period 1981-1989 all show the deeply felt interest in and involvement with this new perception of life: thats why from 1986 they call their work `QUANTUM-ART`. The Temples of Arrival (1983), Anima Mundi (1985) and the Unifying Spiritual Field of the World (1991) are global art projects, propagating this changing awareness. In 1993 the first Gates between Heaven and Earth are realized. The Potted-plants return intermittently as a commitment to the earth. From 1984 the interest in death and 'last resting places' is expressed in numerous 'grave' symbols and the creation of the 'Cosmobile', a contemporary hearse. The work of Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas is a contribution to a `changing awareness`. Their art is of a shining symplicity with a symbolic and almost mystical radiance.
- 1978-1979 Build of the " Essenhof"
- 1980-1983 3 Temples, 1.80x1.80x3m h. ("Biological Dimension of Human Kind") corten-steel, now Tempelhof
- 1980-1981 3 Potted plants, 2.20m h., bronze, Zaandam, Wijchen- p. property
- 1981 The 4 Seasons, 2.20m h., bronze, Switserland, p. property,
- 1983-1991 Temples of Arrival, 3.33m, corten-steel
- 1984 Seats, 2.20m h., corten-steel, Belgium, Switserland, p. property,
- 1984 first Grave Symbols, bronze, Germany, p. property
- 1984-1985 3 Acres, 3x33mx1.80m, soil installation
- 1985-1986 Anima Mundi: , open 'Temple ', 99Lx7hx12m b., corten-steel
- 1987 Seat, 6m h., corten-steel, Beuningen, A.R.N.
- 1988 Plant , 7.60m h., stainless steel, Den Bosch, Tulip
- 1986-1989 development philosophy `Changing Awareness`from now the work is called: 'QUANTUM-ART'
- 1989 Metafysical Garden, Frankfurt, Germany, Bundesgartenschau
- 1990 The Zinc Temple Garden 1, Ottersum, Rhulenhof
- 1990 The Endless Line 1, 99m L.x0.99m h., corten-steel, Germany, p. property
- 1991 project:The Unifying Spiritual Field of the World: World Peace Acre Handing over Gold-plated Plants (`Spiritual Dimensions of Man`) *Armenië: initiative "Europolis" *Rio de Janeiro: "Unced" *Michail Gorbatsjov: initiative "International Green Cross" *The Hague: Peace Initiative North and South Corea ultimate wish: to hand-over a Golden Plant to ex President Mandela
- 1991 Gold Plated Bud, 0.99m h., Germany, p. property, Groesbeek
- 1993 concept 33 `Gates between Heaven and Earth'
- 1993 G. of Space, 3.33x2.20m, corten-steel, Arnhem, Uden
- 1993 G. of Heaven, 3.33x2.20m, corten-steel, Tempelhof
- 1993 G. of Desire, 3.33x2.20m, blue enameled steel, Tempelhof
- 1993 G. o/t 4 Directions of the Wind, 3.33x2.20m, corten-steel, Rhenen
- 1993 G o/t Gardens, 3.33x2.20m, corten-steel, Ottersum
- 1993 G. of Love, 3.33x2.20m, blue enameled steel, Tempelhof
- 1993 G. of Paradise, 3.33x2.20m, corten-steel, Nistelrooy
- 1993 G. o/t Graveyards, 3.33x2.20m, freestone/gold, Den Haag
- 1995 G. of Utopia, 7.77x8.88m, wire-steel, Tempelhof
- 1996 G. of Triumph, 6.66x3.33m, corten-steel, Nijmegen/Gladiolus
- 1996 G. o/t Senses, 2.33x1.33m, corten-steel, Ewijk, p. property
- 1996 P. o/t Present, 3.33x8.88m, corten-steel, Heeswijk-Dinther, p. property
- 1998 G. o/t Earth, 5.99x9.99m, corten-steel, Roozendaal
- 1998 G. o/t Religiouss, 3.99x2.20m, corten-steel, Wijchen
- 2000 G. o/t Gingo, 6.66x5.55m, corten-steel, Uden, p. property
- 1994-1995 Seats, 3.33m h., corten-steel, Tempelhof
- 1995 Manifest: 999 numbered and signed copies of the period 1960-1995.
- 1995 Prologue: Jan Hoet and Nicole Hermans Manifest: Summary exhibition along the dyke and in the "Ancient Tower", "Doddendaal Castle", and the "Essenhof".
- 1995 Illusion, 6.66x2.20m, corten-steel, Tempelhof
- 1996 Watertemple, 9.99x6.66m, corten-steel, Beuningen/A 73
- 1996 Cosmobile, 3.33x2.20m, alluminium-steel, Hearse, Tempelhof
- 1996-1999 Design and construction of The "Tempelhof": a `total Work of Art`

1997- Present
De Tempelhof, Winssen
The Tempelhof, a laboratory of the ‘ new thinking ‘ is a work of art in and of itself: a holistic concept of buildings, garden and statues by the artists. In 1995, Adelheid designed the basis for the house and garden, and together they perfected and built the Tempelhof between 1995 and 1999. The Tempelhof forms the crystallisation of chaos and love. It is a poetic chronicle of their life-long quest, oriented towards the longing for harmony and meaning in their lives and work. It is a mirror of their lives, of breathing along with the world down to the smallest detail. The Tempelhof as Gesammt Kunstwerk is inspired by the “Spiritual Dimension of Man” which plays a large role in the philosophy. It is the symbiosis of the interplay between reality and illusion, between illusion and reality, between Truth and Fiction.
- 1996-1999 build of "De Tempelhof", house, garden and art as one total `Work of Art`
- 1997 Apocalyps, 7.77x6.66m, corten-steel, Garden o/t Future, Ede - H.K.
- 1997 Potted-plant, 3.33m., corten-steel, Muiderslot
- 1999 The Zinc Temple Garden 2, 6.66x3.33m,, Ned-Zink, Budel, H.K.
- 2000 The Endless Line 2, Ø 33m, with 99 seedlings. 0.99cm, corten-steel, Museum Schloss Moyland, Germany
- 2000 Anima Animus /Angel, 5.55m, wire-steel, The Hague/Sculpture
- 2000 H.K.
- 2000 Lamppost, 4.99m, corten-steel, Nijmegen/Lindenholt,
- 2000 Dyke Chapel, 6.66x3.33m, corten-steel, Winssen,(Dyke)
- 2001/2 World-Flower 9.99m Ø, corten-steel, Floriade 2002/ V.B.A. Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer
- 2001 World-Peace Flag and -Stamp + World-Environment Stamp
- 2001 Axis for Arboretum Trompenburg / Rotterdam
- 2001 9 ‘Acres’ with 9 x 9 buds, lead, Hilversum
- 2002 ‘Sitting Angell’; 3.33m h., corten-steel, Vijfhuizen (privé col.)
- 2002 Theme-exhibition: museums Tiel en Zoetermeer
- 2002 ardendesign’; pring Water-flower1.33m h., corten-staal Ewijk (privé col.)
- 2003 Concept: ‘World Peace Flower Tower’; World Trade Centre, 233m h. Malaga, Spanje
- 2003 bassin with spring Water-bud; 1.60m h., cortensteel Garderen (privé col.)
- 2003 ‘Hart forChiron’; bronze, sponsor-project Druten
- 2003 ‘4 Kernvalues’; 2.20m h., bronze, Philip Morris + awards van 33cm h. Bergen op Zoom
- 2003 buy Euro Buggy, from 1971, glassfiber, Tempelhof
- 2003 exhibition Wolterinck, Laren
- 2004 ‘Obelisk’ / ‘Landmark’; 9.99m h., corten-seel Zeewolde
- 2004 ‘Hart ’; 2.20m h., bronze + awards van 33cm h. Uden, Toyota
- 2004 bridge’, steel, Arboretum Trompenburg Rotterdam
- 2004 ‘Le Bouton’; 3.33m h., corten-steel St. Maurice Les Brousses (Frankrijk)
- 2004/2009 installation 5 ‘Quantum-Art gardens of the 5 Worldreligiens, ‘Essenhof’ te Winssen
- 2005 Golden Plant (Spiritual Measure of Man, 2.20m h.) 05*05*05, Kloosterkerk, Den Haag
- 2005 ummary exhibition 45 jear QUANTUM-ART: “Tempelhof” Winssen
- 2005 ‘The World My Garden’, 999 signed and numbered books, incl. dvd in cassette, De Tempelhof, Winssen
- 2005 Summary exhibition My Garden’; “Het Kunsthuis 18” Naaldwijk
- 2005 design +model ‘Tuilp-Temple’: 4.44m h., corten-steel Antwerpen >< Istanbul
- 2005 Grave-flower, Maurice, Begraafplaats Jonkerbos, Nijmegen
- 2006 Flower staircase, Belgium
- 2006 De Plantman, 5.55m h. x 3.33m br.. cortensteell
- 2006 Solo-exhibition, Dreamplants in Steel Rosarium Winschoten / Blauwestad
- 2006 esign + animation ‘Spiritual Garden’ for Museumparc Oriëntalis, Groesbeek
- 2007 Ikoon: ‘Angel’, 3m h., corten-staal HAN, Nijmegen
- 2007 exhibition parc De Ulen, Tijnje, Friesland
- 2007 Turned Pot, 9.99m h., corten-steel , Westland
- 2007 Theme-exhibition ‘The Seventies’ , Museum Valkhof, Nijmegen
- 2007 chair ‘Engelhart’ Museum Valkhof, Nijmegen
- 2007 opening Chassé-Park, Breda
- 2007 bronze pots, gravesign, Uden
- 2007 exhibition ‘Bakens aan het Water’ Utrecht
- 2007 exhibition HAN, Nijmegen
- 2008 Flowerbud, corten-steel, 3,33m h., Dubai, Abu Dhabi / UAE
- 2008 Tulip-Seat Tulip-seat, corten-steel, 3,33m h., Dubai, Abu Dhabi / UAE
- 2008 first steps design Tree of life
- 2008 9e Beelden Biennale Beerse, België
- 2008 Rozenblad’, 7.77m h., corten-steel, Winschoten
- 2008 lease Engelman, Dominio Vale do Mondego, Guarda, Portugal
- 2008 exhibition Ameland
- 2008 theme-exhibition ‘All Angels’, Museum Catharijneconvent Utrecht
- 2008 theme-exhibition “Against Nature”, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen.
- 2008/2010 Trifolium Gingo-leave, ACTA Amsterdam
- 2008 Human Rights Defender Tulip-Award Tulp-award for Justine Masika Bihamba by Min. of Foreign Affairs, Maxime Verhagen, Den Haag
- 2008 exhibition HAN, Nijmegen
- 2008 Salon d’Art, Inge Hoetjes, debate Klaas Gubbels en Huub Kortekaas CBKN Nijmegen
- 2009 Lily of Scherpenzeel, Scherpenzeel
- 2009 design Pacgate, Parc International, Doorwerth
- 2009 exhibition Caspaiou, Dubai, UAE
- 2009 design table, private collection
- 1999-2009 Abdijhof Winssen, Adelheid Kortekaas i.c.w. Marjolein Kap.
- 2009 handing over Human Rights Defender Tulp-Award, by the Minister of Foreighn Affairs, Maxime Verhagen
- 2009 total design-concept, traject N322 in cooperation with Dura-Vermeer
- 2009 exhibition Auxiliatrix park
- 2009 design Spirare Pavilon
- 2009 design PlataanMens Almere
- 2009 Museum CatharijneConvent Utrecht, Participation Exhibition All Angels
- 2009 concept project: BloomingTree of Compassion / Temple of Compassion
- 2010 Manifest Female Energy From the Quantum-Art project The Unifying Field, a 'Golden Plant' and 33 'Seedlings' are sown and flown over the world within the Manifest Female Energy in the spotlights
- 2010 Alphabet of Architecture
- 2010 Placement Angel on the cleared cemetery in Beerse, Belgium, 5m h.
- 2010 Placement Lily of Scherpenzeel, 3.33m h. x 6.66m diameter, Scherpenzeel
- 2010 Memorandum of Understanding by the City Beuningen for the Art Project Anima Mundi
- 2010 Renewal lease Plantman, Chassé Park Breda
- 2010 Museum CatharijneConvent Utrecht, Participation Exhibition Lingham2010 Placement Ginkgo leaf, 2.20m h., ACTA Amsterdam
- 2010 Project Development Abdijhof
- 2010 nomination Publicafa, Mecc Maastricht
- 2011 Animation Icons
- 2011 Participation exhibition Ameland
- 2011 Development cooperation Pilgrimage WOW
- 2012 family grave monument Cemetery Heiderust, Dieren
- 2011 Exhibition: Icons, Gates of The Soul, Waalres Museum
- 2011 Animatie Ikonen
- 2011 http://www.buitenplaatsen2012.nl/2011/09/nieuwe-buitenplaats-met-oude-allure-de-tempelhof/
- 2011 Grave monument Heeswijk-Dinter
- 2011/2012 9 + 1 Angels/ Spiritual Flowers
- 2012 Exhibition Heeze, Day of Brabant
- 2012 Retrospective De Tempelhof: A contemporary estate
- 2012 Gate of the Future, Heeswijk Dinter
- 2012 Grass gate of the series Elysian Fields, Schalkhaar
- 2012 Lotus Source, Heeswijk Dinter
- 2012 Family grave monument, Heeswijk Dinter
- 2012 Edition: Manifesto Utopia, Life as Art
- 2013 Portail d'Herbe, France, Grass Gate of the series Elysian Fields
- 2013 Placement Angel of Unity, Ramallah Palestina
- 2013 brooch pin, N.S Dutch Railways
- 2013 Presentation 6th Human Rights Tulip Award by Min. of Foreign Affairs Frans Timmermans
- 2013 Angel of Unity voor The Garden of Nations, Ramallah, Palestina
- 2013 Reinstatement 3 bronze buds, Nieuwegein
- 2014 Renewal lease contract HAN, Nijmegen, of two monumental works
- 2014 Placement Catharina-Angel in front of Catharina Hof, Grave
- 2014 The Glossy Magazine - Manifesto UTOPIA - Life As Art is published
- 2014 Exhibition Angels, Hortus Arcadië, University Nijmegen
- 2014 Symposium "Return to Life" series after including Princess Irene and prof. dr. Matthijs Schouten
- 2014 Statue PlantMan, Chassee Park, breda
- 2014 Quest for Oprh Winfrey to hand over the 6the Golden Plant for the Manifest Female Energy: Oprah Female Energy
- 2015 Film portret 'The World My Garden' by Pepeyn.nl
- 2016 Female Energy Event on The Tempelhof
- 2016 Film-interview James Ryan Andersen , The Golden Plant: https://youtu.be/AYaJ86HmvdU
- 2016 Film portret "Meeting in the Dream" by Steve Huisman en Willem Poppelier
- 2017 2016 Design "Hortus Conclusus - Which Flower are You?"