Temple of Arrival with goldblatted Bud, 3,33m corten steel
The biological 'Dimension of Humankind'
The basic measures/base measuring of 1.80 by 1.80 m: the ‘biological dimension of Man’. In these Temples, 1, 2 or 3 Buds of 1.80 m respectively were placed, as a ritual deed. With these first 3 Temples the search for the fundamental principles of the order of reality arose. From that point onward the ‘Dimension of Humankind’ and the tension of numbers are a basic part of our work.
Spiritual Garden, Temple of Universal Spirituallity
2005 Miniature Temple of Peace
Tulip-Temple 2005, the Ottomanian- meets the European culture
Apocalyps Temple with a golden Flowersource inside situated on De Tempelhof
Watertemple, 1996, corten-steel, 9.99m h. x 6.66 Ø, A-73 Beuningen
1995 Temple of Arrival 3,33 m cortensteell, with 99cm h. leaf golded Bud
Bottom view Temple of Arrival
1970 Circle of Angels, travelling environment.
1999 Zinc Temple-garden, situated on the Tempelhof
The garden of Christianity of the Quantum-Art project ‘The Spiritual Garden’
2015, Anima Mundi, Soul of the World, Temple. A universal, contemporary, contemplative meeting place, inspired by the Greek “agora” or “stoa”
2005 The Alphabet of Architecture consists 26 Gates of the Soul. Temples of all architectural styles through history.