Female Energy Event
We invite you all to help us to nominate an extraordinary girl or woman and to reach Oprah Winfrey as icons of the Female Energy and an ode to the unique power of Women?
The Dutch artistic duo Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas hope to dedicate the 6th Golden Plant of their Quantum-Art project The Unifying Spiritual Field of the World to Oprah Winfrey as radiating icon of the universal Female Energy of millions strong unknown women in the world. With this Golden Plant, the artists honour the unique role women play in changing this world. Previous recipients of the Golden Plant include Michail Gorbatsjov, Nelson Mandela, the International Peace Conference on North and South Korea, the initiative Europolis, Armenia and to all Indigenous People, UNCED Rio-’92, Brasil.
video: Invitation to Oprah Winfrey for the 6th Golden Plant. Oprah Female Energy
Golden Plant: symbol of desire
Reaching your unique potential source: it’s exactly what is expressed by the Golden Plant, a 2.20 meter high abstract Humankind-Plant: The Spiritual Dimension of Human being. It became their symbol for the desire of mankind to become who we really are, to grow from darkness into the light and to explore our existence. In this way, the Golden Plant is a universal symbol for a newly awakened spiritual view on mankind and the world. More and more it becomes clear that the processes and outcomes of the global change in consciousness and awareness are initiated by women.
Female Energy: the project
The project Female Energy consists of the Golden Plant as icon of the manifest Female Energy which you can read below. Also, the artists have sent out in Juli 2010, 33 golden Seedlings, miniature versions of the Golden Plant, to 33 extraordinary women who contribute to the Changing Awareness in this world: Amy Tan, Anne Hastings, Annine van der Meer, Brandon Bays, Caroline Cory, Christine Pannebakker, Ciska Dresselhuys, Danah Zohar, Esra’a Al Shafei, Eve Ensler, Fiona Montagu, Hoda Al Khamis-Kanoo, Inez van Oord, Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld, Isabelle Allende, Karen Armstrong, Lulu Wang, Marianne Williamson, Nalini Nadkarni, Nancy Lublin, Narisscia Botha, Neelie Kroes, Ogega Moturi, Paola Antonelli, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Shirly Nicholson, Sima Samar, Somaly Mam, Wangari Maathai. The Golden Plant and the golden Seedlings are the key symbols of the art project The Unifying Spiritual Field of the World.
In the more than 50 years artistic language of Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas the metaphysical and spiritual New Renaissance of mankind is among others being visualized in the Quantum-Art projectsThe Spiritual Garden, Anima Mundi and The Alphabet of Architecture and the images of angels, gates, plants, temples, graves, gardens, seats and their home in the Netherlands, de Tempelhof, the ultimate and integrated expression of this Quantum-Art.The artistic duo describes their art as Quantum-Art. This is the expression of the awareness that in the universe everything is interconnected and man is an inseparable part of it. It is the symbiosis between spirituality and economy, between culture and nature, eastern and western thinking, individuals and society, and ultimately the transformation from I to We.
In ancient history, the Big Mother was the symbol of the sacred energy of mankind. In the course of history Woman as Goddess, as utter symbol of fertility and creative power, lost her matriarchal status to an ever increasing prominence of a patriarchal Male Image of God. The world of art and religion offers a clear and fascinating image of this development in human thinking and action. Here we see that Woman is ‘revered and distinguished’ and put on a pedestal, but stripped of her identity and scope. At the beginning of the previous century and later on in the 1960s and 1970s, Women’s Lib manifested itself ever clearer, especially in Europe. Woman wants to be liberated from patriarchal society, feel respected and seen as an independent and equal individual. Viewed in the spirit of the age, Woman, by dint of her direct clarity, open-mindedness, compassion and original, creative approach to daily reality, is stepping out of obscurity and firmly finding her way in the present complex society. The arrival of the limitless Worldwide Web plays an important role in this. We see that these signals spread across the world and realize that women increasingly have the nerve and the guts to break through existing social structures. They look for new ways to design their lives, fighting for a more humane, more harmonious society. Their decisiveness and resourcefulness increasingly substitute the prevailing and controlling patriarchal cultures. Women are the key to opening the gates to a new society. If women across the world link up their specific female strength, they will be able to approach the disputes and longstanding feelings of hate in the world in their very own way and possibly eliminate or at least reduce them. Evolution wise the future of the earth asks for a new global zest; the Quantum leap of the consciousness that all and everything is connected. Consciousness becomes a participating consciousness, a transition from individual to universal thinking, from I to we. A new space arises in which the female and male energies can inspire each other equally to grow to a new powerful and creative spiritual world order.
The Golden Plant is intended as the global sign for universal spirituality, the ultimate sign of the awakening New Renaissance, in which the awareness of ‘The Spiritual Dimension of Human Being’ becomes the source of the modelling of one’s own, unique life.
This Golden Plant is the metaphor for the field of tension between heaven and earth, Man as form and movement, as interplay of matter and spirit, Human Being as Quantum-Art in the divine comedy of life itself. In this metaphysical field of influence Man attempts to become what he or she is in his or her deepest essence.
The Golden Plant is the icon of the potential energy that arises from our bodies. It is the image of the hidden power of each person in his longing to grow from darkness to light, a manifest universal symbol for a re-awakening spiritual image of man and the world, a gnostic sign of our alliance with the all-inspiring All.
The Golden Plant arises from the emptiness that comes into being when the 33rd word ‘Plant’ in the artproject The Metaphysical Garden is taken away; the representation of the story of the Creation according to John, St. John 1:1 – 1:14
The birth of the Golden Plant is the inspiration for the worldwide Quantum-Artproject: The Unifying Spiritual Field of the World.
This World Acre of Peace grows from the awareness that every human being is a unique Seedling of Mother Earth on his way to a New Renaissance.
The first Golden Plant
The first Golden Plant Planted in Armenia on December 7th 1989 by the then president, Vladimir Markariants, as a sign of new life after the earthquake and as a commemoration of the birth of the initiative
’Europolis’, a City of Peace.
Sown on June 11th 1992 on the world’s ecology congress, UNCED Rio-’92, Brazil. It was received by Davi Yanomami and Marcos Terena, both Shaman of the Yanomami Indians, as a symbol of a worldwide respect to all Indigenous People.
Handed over in May 1993, in The Hague (The Netherlands), to Michail Gorbatsjov, chairman of the ‘International Green Cross’.
Handed over in Novembre 2011 to honour Mister Nelson Mandela for his persistent struggle against apartheid in South Africa, his warm-hearted thorough commitment for world peace and his call for democracy, compassion and fraternization. Nelson Mandela
The fifth Golden Plant
Handed over in August 1997 in the Hague at the International Peace Conference on North- and South Korea for the peace initiative North- and South Korea.
This Golden Plant is an ode to the Female Energy of millions of unknown strong Women who commit themselves to improving their daily reality.
Life as a unique challenge of creation, life as a work of art, life as Quantum-Art.
The human being as a spiritual flower on his way to a ‘New Renaissance’
De Tempelhof, Winssen The Netherlands
10th Human Rights Tulip Award awarded
In 2016 the 10th Human Rights Tulip has been awarded by Foreign Minister Bert Koenders to the Pakistani internet activist Nighat Dad
MANIFEST 50 years -Life as Art- Which Flower are You?
Global Sowing Project of 99,999 human Flowers to create together a better world
In spring 2015 the artists sow 99.999 Human Flowers as a playful wake-up call
to the world, to encourage us to find our connection to each other and to inspire
each other to create a more beautiful and peaceful multicultural society.
A quantum leap to a more conscious, meaningful and empathetic society.
A World Passport for Humanity
‘Fundamentally, humankind is a flower in the metaphysical garden of the world.‘
De Tempelhof opened its doors in june 2015 for the retrospective “50 Years Life as Quantum Art” of the poetic world vision of the artist duo Huub & Adelheid Kortekaas with the theme Which Flower are You ?, a unique reflection of the processes of change in the world, inspired by the fundamental process of becoming in life, translated into their universal images and concepts. De Tempelhof is a contemporary outdoor space – a holistic concept of architecture where garden, art, living, work and philosophy merge into one animated by the ‘Dimension of humankind’. De Tempelhof, A 50 year long quest for a new inspired symbiosis between nature and culture, between economics and spiritualism, between East and West, and between individual and society, a Total Work of Art located in the beautiful river countryside of Land van Maas & Waal.
Humankind a Flower
The plant in their total work of art is a metaphor for the individual person: humankind growing from darkness towards light. The awareness that everyone is a unique Seedling of Mother Earth, each of us connected by the intrinsic longing to become who we are in our deepest essence, makes us co- creators of our reality. This realization becomes a participatory awareness in that longing, a transition from individual to universal thought; from I toWe. They call this Quantum Art.
Download here Flowers in 11 languages
Royalty free images and videos to share
see: short movie de Tempelhof
Angel of Unity voor The Garden of Nations, Ramallah, Palestin
Kingsday – April 30 – 2013
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs offered a monumental sculpture – The Angel of Unity –
as a gesture of peace to the Palestinian community
The “Angel of Unity”, constructed in cooperation with Palestinian support is created by the
artistic duo Huub & Adelheid Kortekaas.
The Angel depicts the 3 monotheistic religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism in 3 equal
wings which merge into a meaningful, connecting message of peace and harmony
to the Palestinian/Israelian people and the world.
Angels as metaphors for a New Humanity and World View.
The Angel Energy is the Quantum Leap in the metaphysical fields, the messenger between heaven and earth, the inspirer of the rediscovery of the Human as Spiritual Being, the Angel beyond male and female, knower of the innermost Self, pure Love, knowledge of the Heart, sender and receiver, beyond all religions, the anima animus, energy enraptured, radiant consciousness, the intellect of nature, poetry, saviour of lost souls, happiness, silence, reflection, fascination, understanding, connecting, bringer of light.
In this perspective, we would like to quote the following statement by the Dalai Lama in 2012:
“ All the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether”.
The Angel as universal Icon, as conceptual artwork, where Plant, Human and cosmic awareness come together,
is the bearer of Utopia, the inspiring force to awaken the best in Humanity.
The Human Being on the way to a New Renaissance.
Speech, Adelheid & Huub Kortekaas in Ramallah, Palestine, April 30, 2013
The Angel as an icon of a new great story of awakening
In the artwork The Angel of Unity as a gesture of Peace initiated by the Dutch Government, three equal wings meet in the nucleus. These 3 wings represent the religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam which merge into a meaningful, connecting message of peace and harmony to the world.
Angels as metaphors for a New Humanity and World View
In our work the Angel is a conceptual metaphor for the metaphysical tension between earth and heaven, between culture and nature.The Angel as the awareness that we are, first and foremost, human beings. As such the Angel is taking on an ever-increasing aspect for the dawning of a new understanding of life, in which Humanity awakens to our role as creator of our unique Angel Energy.
The Angel Energy is the Quantum Leap in the metaphysical fields, the messenger between heaven and earth, the inspirer of the rediscovery of the Human as Spiritual Being, the Angel beyond male and female, knower of the innermost Self, pure Love, knowledge of the Heart, sender and receiver, beyond all religions, the anima animus, energy enraptured, radiant consciousness, the intellect of nature, poetry, saviour of lost souls, happiness, silence, reflection, fascination, understanding, connecting, bringer of light.
In this perspective, we would like to quote the following statement by the Dalai Lama in 2012:
“ All the world’s major religions, with their emphasis on love, compassion, patience, tolerance, and forgiveness can and do promote inner values. But the reality of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer adequate. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether”.
The Angel as universal Icon, as conceptual artwork, where Plant, Human and cosmic awareness come together, is the bearer of Utopia, the inspiring force to awaken the best in Humanity.
The Human Being on the way to a New Renaissance.
Standing here in The Parc of Nations in Ramallah, Palestine, We would like to thank all parties involved by the placement of the Angle of Unity. We like to end up with the visionary statement of Teilhard de Chardin: “The future belongs to those who give the next generations reason for hope”!
Thank you,
Speech Mayor Haddid, Ramallah Our Friend, Ms. Birgitta Tazelaar Welcome to the Garden of Nations, the Garden that represents our symbol of friendship with other peoples, and where different Pieces of cultures meet in one place and different symbols of productions that address the reason, conscience and intellect help the citizens of Ramallah develop a sense of belonging to a world of great friends, and hence enrich them with more knowledge about the people who support our fair cause. The idea of the establishment of this park is totally for the sake of having cultural exchanges and knowledge with other nations hoping it’ll serve to remove the sense of isolation, and revive the feeling of friendship and love towards our far away friends. These stones of Jerusalem that link between these pieces of arts symbolize the relationship between us and our friends as it’s the way of peace and friendship. It simply says that the stones of our Holy Land can be a path of peace and love with human cultures that are friendly to us and in support of our demands, humane and lawful conditions. The stones used are large and spacious, these used stones are of our Holy Land and are the same that we used once to resist the occupation, settlement and oppression and hence it served as a weapon against our enemies. The existence of Garden of Nations in Ramallah enhances the vision of the municipal council and the owners of the city to its status as a global city in its way of thinking. Our city Ramallah respects intellectual pluralism, political and social development of the population, and believes in the opening up to the world to weave cultural and humane relations. The majority of the other nations are friends of ours because they are against injustice and occupation, support peace, justice and hate wars, murder and violence. And we’re all in Ramallah proud that we are proactive to express this human spirit and ideals on behalf of our people in Palestine, and this corresponds to our vision as a municipal Council of Ramallah, hence it’s from it that vision that the initiative to establish this park sprang out. Our Dear Guests, In the end I just would like to congratulate us all for having this distinguished peace of art “the Angel” that assures the principles of unity that we believe in. We’re happy that the artists are also present amongst us and hope that they would also have a fruitful visit through meeting Palestinian Artists. Mayor Haddid, Ramallah
Head of the Netherlands representative office
Mr and Mrs Kortekaas, The artists of the “Angel”
Our distinguished guests,
Thank you all for being with us here today
Speech by Birgitta Tazelaar, Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Palestinian Authority
Thank you Mayor Haddid for your kind words. Thank you all for attending this small ceremony. Today is a special day for the Netherlands. This morning at eleven o’clock, Queen Beatrix signes the instrument of abdication in the Royal Palace in Amsterdam, a ceremony that will make the Prince of Orange, our new King: His Majesty King Willem-Alexander. His investiture will take place at exactly three o’clock today, in the 17th century New Church in Amsterdam. What a beautiful day to celebrate Netherlands – Palestinian friendship through our donation of a statue for the Garden of Nations in Ramallah.
During my first encounter with the municipality I was made aware of the garden of nations. I immediately had an urge to contribute to this beautiful project and I also immediately knew who to approach for this: Huub & Adelheid Kortekaas, artistical duo from the NL. They are artists who work not only from an artistic point of view, but also a philosophical one. They materialize what Marcus Aurelius wrote millenia ago: no matter how worthy the cause, always keep an eye for the eternal beauty surrounding you. They fight for causes such as peace and tolerance through creating beauty.
Huub and Adelheid on their turn immediately agreed and also knew which statue they thought fitted in this garden, and I fully agreed: The Angel of Unity with its three wings symbolizing the three monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam and Judiasm – a message of peace and harmony. This statue belongs here: the Holy Land where the three faiths have a long history and hopefully a future of co-existence and harmony.
And this symbol is all the more meaningful because it was a Dutch Renaissance humanist, called Erasmus, (1466–1536), whose works laid the foundation for religious tolerance.
I find the symbol touching, and it inspired me to have a miniature of the statue to be awarded by a Palestinian jury to someone who showed courage in promoting tolerance and dialogue.
I would like to thank everyone who made this possible: Mayor, Mr Mousa Haddid, municipality staff, the former mayor Mrs Janet, the engineers, Mr Saed Abu Ghosh and Mr Sami, Huub and Adelheid Kortekaas, as well as those present and made time to join us today.
I hope that the idea behind the statue will prevail. Thank you.
Birgitta Tazelaar
Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Palestinian Authority

Broadcast Filmjournaal: NELSON MANDELA HONORED WITH THE 4th Golden Plant of The Quantum-Art-Peace-Project ‘The Unifying Field’.
At 25 nov. 2011, the Dutch artists Adelheid & Huub Kortekaas presented this award to Nelson Mandela (in Paarl Z-Africa ) for his persistent struggle against Apartheid, his warmhearted passionate commitment for World Peace and is strong appeal to Democracy, Compassion and Brotherhood. The Golden Seedling and the Golden Plant are the metaphors reflecting Nelson Mandela’s vision:” In every human being is a golden spark hidden”. Both symbols are part of the collective Quantum-Art-Peace-Project : ‘The Unifying Spiritual Field of the World
The 4th Golden Plant to honor Nelson Mandela will be planted in front of the Drakenstein Prison in Paarl where Mandela spend many years of his impressive and inspiring life.
The 1st Golden Plant was planted in Armenia (1989) by the then president Vladimir Markariants, both as a sign of new life after the earthquake and as a memoration (? remembrance) of the birth of the initiative ‘Europolis’, a city of peace.
The 2nd Golden Plant to Davi Yanomami and Marcos Terena, shamans of the Yanomami Indians, as a symbol of a worldwide respect to all Indigenous People. UNCED Rio-’92, Brasil.
The 3rd Golden Plant was handed to Michail Gorbatsjov, chairman of ‘International Green Cross’(1993).
The 5th Golden Plant was handed over in august 1997 to The International Peace Conference on North and South Korea.
The 6th Golden Plant -within the Manifest Female Energy- will be dedicated in 2012 to one of the most radiating, passionate, spiritual and realistic Woman: Oprah Winfrey, as symbol of the worldwide emerging Female Energy of millions of unknown strong Women who commit themselves to improving their daily reality. See: Manifest Female Energy
The Glossy Magazine Manifesto Utopia Life as Art is Published
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The autographed and bilingual Book/Cassette (2015) – The World My Garden – incl. DVD in limited edition of 999 costs € 35,– incl. shipping.
The bilingual Glossy – Manifesto UTOPIA, Life as Art (2012) * € 25,– incl. shipping
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