2012 The Gate of the Future
33 Gates between Heaven and Earth
From 1993 Huub and Adelheid design, inspired by Huub’s Armenian experience, the first conceptual Gates (1993) are created, border-crossing monuments of the tension between heaven and earth towards new dimensions. The Gate, as architectural entrances/ corridor is a metaphor and connects inside and outside, present and past, reality and illusion. Within the order and symbolism of numbers, within the diversity of meanings we named 33 Gates collectively “Gates between Heaven and Earth”.
2012 The Grass-Gate, part of the series Elysian Fields 2009, corten-steel
2008 The Gate of Poetry, part of the project '33 Gates between Earth and Heaven', corten-steel
2008 The Gingo Gate, corten-steel, 6,66m h. x 5,55m l.
1994/95 The Gate of Utopia, wire-steel, 7,77m h. x 8.,88m l.
1998 The Gate of Earth, corten-steel, 5,99m h. x 9,99m l.
1996 The Gate of Triumph (Gladiolus), cortensteel, 6,66m h. x 3,33m
1993 The Gate of Desire, coated steel, 3,33m h. x 2,20m
1993 The Gate of Space , Arnhem/Uden/Winssen corten-staal, 3,33m h. x 2,20m b
1993 The Gate of Paradise 3.33m h.
2012 The Grass-Gate, part of the series Elysian Fields 2009, corten-steel
2012 The Gate of the Future
1994/95 The Gate of Utopia, wire-steel, 7,77m h. x 8.,88m l. De Tempelhof